Homeschooling Curriculum Choices

Carahomeschooling Leave a Comment

I’ve spent the last week evaluating where my kids are and which curriculum will work best for them. Let’s be real. It can be daunting. Overwhelming. Make you want to suck your thumb in a corner. And I don’t attend curriculum fairs for this very reason. It’s simply too much. So how do I reach a decision that I pray will work for each child this year? I answer the following questions:

4 Books that Bring History to Life + bonus selections

Carahomeschooling Leave a Comment

From time to time as a homeschooling mom, I feel the need to mix things up a bit. If all we are doing is reading through textbooks, then the education my kids get here with me is no different than it would be in a traditional school. One of the things my kids and I have done this year is reading …