Book Talk: Action-Packed Romance Listen to the episode with Lynette Eason, Lynn H. Blackburn, and Natalie Walters Y’all, I always have way too much fun with these romantic suspense-writing friends. Today is no exception. Lynette Eason, Lynn H. Blackburn, and Natalie Walters are authors whose books are those I preorder and read the moment they land on my Kindle or …
Book Talk: Romantic Suspense
Book Talk: Romantic Suspense Listen to the summer special episode with authors Mary Alford, Elizabeth Goddard, and Natalie Walters here. Y’all, I had so much fun hanging out with my romantic suspense writing friends Mary Alford, Elizabeth Goddard, and Natalie Walters. We chatted about writing, plotting and pantsing, how ideas come to life, and much more. Did you know two …
Travel in a Book Giveaway!
Can I be honest? It’s always a little stunning to me when authors and publishers ask me to consider endorsing a book. Two of the above books I was asked to do that. Yep. I’m even on the back cover of Lynette Eason’s Life Flight. Say what?!?! @Cara_Putman is sharing reviews of @lynetteeason @tonieshilohwrite @reginajennings with #giveaway Click To Tweet …
New Releases I’m Excited about + Giveaway
You know what I enjoy at the end of a day? Coming home to my family after a good day at work. But I also love finding a package with a book waiting for me on the dining room table. In the last couple weeks, my mailbox has been steadily filled with books I am eager to read. Today I …
Book Talk: Natalie Walters
Book Talk: Natalie Walters Listen to Natalie’s episode here. In this episode, I get to introduce you to my writing friend, Natalie Walters. She has written the Harbored Secrets series, and it was really good. However, she has a brand new book starting a new series coming out in November (which I endorsed) and it was phenomenal! I cannot wait …
Fiction Friday: Books, Sales, & Giveaway
It’s July and thatmeans the countdown to back-to-school is starting. In four weeks my three younger kids start 11th, 6th, and 4th grade. Two weeks later our oldest starts her sophomore year at Purdue. There’s so much I still want to do, but the reality is days are ticking down.But it also means many of us have some sort of …