Ebooks or Paperbacks?

Carabooks Leave a Comment

The other day I woke up dreaming about the ebook v. paperback debate. It’s something authors do. Something readers probably understand. I am a give-me-a-physical-book-I-can-hold kind of reader. You see, while I’m an author I adore books! It’s not unusual for me to inhale two or three a week while managing the rest of my life including homeschooling, lecturing, and …

Creating Kids who are Readers

Carahomeschooling Leave a Comment

But as I unpack yet another box of books, give away a second, and see the four large boxes of children’s books that desperately need a bookshelf home, I know and am so grateful that each of my kids delights in reading the written word. That is a gift no one can ever take away from them.