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Six Books I’m Excited to Read

Carareviews; Leave a Comment

The rest of this month I have to be nose down, fingers on keyboard, every moment that I’m not teaching, grading or engaged in a most do activity with my family. Those include high school swim meets and Thanksgiving. While I’m being focused and diligent, I’m building quite the to-be-read pile for after I turn this book in. These books …

Book Talk: Tricia Goyer and the Authors of the Big Sky Amish Collection

CaraAmish, Panel, Podcast, Sunrise Publishing Leave a Comment

Book Talk: Tricia Goyer and the Authors of the Big Sky Amish Collection Listen to the episode with Tricia Goyer, Christen Krumm, and Elly Gilbert This episode was such fun to record for several reasons. First, Tricia Goyer and I have been friends since I had two kids and she had three — I now have four and she has …

Book Talk: Tricia Goyer

CaraAmish, Podcast, WWII 1 Comment

Book Talk: Tricia Goyer Listen to Tricia’s episode here. Tricia Goyer has been a writing friend, mentor, and coauthor for years. We’ve taught writing together, written a novella collection and multiple cozy mysteries together, and lived life together in so many wonderful and hard ways. She is truly one of the reasons writing has been a wonderful add-on to my …

Books to Feed Your Soul & Giveaway

Carafaith thoughts 11 Comments

I read a ton of fiction. I inhale novels. By July, I’d read something like sixty according to the list I keep on Goodreads. Now I find myself in a season of inhaling non-fiction, feeding my soul in a different way. Today I thought it would be fun to share some of those with you, while also having a link at the end for a giveaway of Tricia Goyer’s Walk It Out.