I have to laugh at this title. I started it three years ago when my oldest turned 13. This weekend she turned 16. All that time I had a draft with this title and nothing else. Next month my oldest son will turn 13. Time continues to pass as I continue to be in denial that my kids are growing into young adults.
At one point I was convinced parenting teenagers would be hard. And it is. But it’s also wonderful. There is something amazing about watching them seek God for who He wants them to be. To have the opportunity to speak life into them, and then step back and watch God take it the next twenty steps. To surprise, and surprise, and surprise them. And have them surprise and delight me.
Don’t get me wrong.
It is also scary and terrifying in this day and age. So much can go wrong. But this I know. Their hearts are toward God. And that is really all this mother can ask. In three months she’ll get her driver’s license. In 12 months we will complete college applications. In between we’ll live and laugh and love and probably fight. But we will be a family. And my life will always be richer because she is in it. Because all of my kids are in it. God knew what He was doing. And I’m forever grateful.
Life with teenagers is an adventure of late night conversations. Rushing to activities. Homework that makes my brain hurt. Discovering who they are. The gifts and talents placed in them from before they were born.
It’s an adventure I’m enjoying and excited to continue journeying through.
And no. I still refuse to believe I’m old enough to have a teenager!
Cara, the mom in denial