There’s so much to be grateful for, even more in a year that has been far from normal…what is normal anyway?This year I want to fix my gaze on the many reasons I have to be grateful.The first is a big one. Just look at this photo.I am blessed with an amazing family. Our kids are all doing great, and our daughter who had the health challenges with her vision is doing so much better. Praise God! We still have to do the weekly shots, but it’s maintenance rather than trying to get ahead of out of control inflammation. I am so very grateful. Our oldest son is applying to colleges and is going to have amazing options. Our oldest is an amazing young woman who has moved with such humble confidence and grace through what has been an unsettled year on college campuses. And our youngest makes our hearts smile while we pray he grows up to use his powers for good. My husband has a great job that expanded this year, and I learned how to flex as I taught in a crazy year while also launching one book and preparing the next for a January release.I’m so grateful for this shelf which represents my books. I think it’s all but one or two, but I’ve honestly lost track. When I started writing in 2005, I prayed I might get the opportunity to see one of my books in print. Instead, every time I look at this shelf, I’m reminded of God’s amazing goodness and faithfulness. He doesn’t owe me one more book. Instead, I’m grateful for the opportutnity to work on each one. In fact as I write this post, I think God just directed me to the missing piece for my next proposed novel. My wheel’s are churning with another layer.This is also a year where I am more grateful than every for you, our readers. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few of you (waving at Ruby!) face-to-face, but in a year that included quarantines and smaller worlds, it’s meant the world to know that I could connect with you here and in other spaces of social media and the internet. Thank you for reading our books. Thank you for spreading the word about books and authors you love. Thank you for asking your library to carry our books. Each of those and so many other gestures and comments are life-giving to those of us who spend a lot of time staring at an illuminated screen wondering if our words matter. That’s why I want to end this month with a giveaway that celebrates you. Just use the form below to enter. I’ll be giving away a copy of the Hidden Justice series. Another reader will receive a copy of Flight Risk.As 2020 draws to a close, what are you thankful for? How has this year surprised you?
Comments 11
Elizabeth Litton
I’m thankful for my family, good books to read, a farm with lots of space, and sunny days with blue skies!!
I’m thankful my family has stayed healthy. Thankful for a hubby that goes back to the store bc I forgot something on the list. Thankful my sister moved here. Thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus.
I, too, am so thankful for my family! God has blessed us richly with 4 beautiful children and 10 wonderful grandchildren! I am especially thankful for the health that Jesus has given us this year and each year and His continued blessings and mercy!
Comments 11
I’m thankful for my family, good books to read, a farm with lots of space, and sunny days with blue skies!!
That’s a wonderful list!
I’m thankful for my family, a job that allows me to work remotely, and the opportunity to win the giveaway!
Being able to work remotely is indeed a gift!
I’m thankful my family has stayed healthy. Thankful for a hubby that goes back to the store bc I forgot something on the list. Thankful my sister moved here. Thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus.
Toni, your husband sounds great!
I’m thankful for family. I feel like we’ve become closer through Zoom chats.
That has been a fun side benefit of shelter-in-place.
Thankful for faith and family.
I, too, am so thankful for my family! God has blessed us richly with 4 beautiful children and 10 wonderful grandchildren! I am especially thankful for the health that Jesus has given us this year and each year and His continued blessings and mercy!