Thankful for you, Giveaways, and Sale

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Every year I get the privilege of posting on Thanksgiving. This year I’m on an incredibly tight deadline…and I’m actually quite grateful for that, because last year at this time, I thought my writing career might be over. That was actually a gift because it allowed me (aka required me) to make sure I was actually okay with writing being a good gift who’s time had passed.
I’m also very grateful for every encouraging reader. The ones who buy our books. The ones who leave reviews. The ones who comment on our social media posts and essentially make writing such a rich process. It wouldn’t be worth the hours in front of a keyboard without you.I’m grateful for my husband and kids who cheerlead me on, even when it means I’m sitting in front of the computer when we’d all rather play games or watch a movie. 🙂 My in-laws, siblings, and parents are equally as supportive. My dean loves to tell prospective students that I don’t just teach but also write lots of books. My students think it’s kind of cool, too. A few even try my books.I’m thankful for my husband and kids and the way our family has grown by a son this year.  I’m grateful for our health even as the crud hit a couple of our kids. I’m glad for joyful and celebrating a life time with extended family. God is so very good…when things are easy and when they are hard.Over on Inspired by Life & Fiction, we’re offering our Christmas Blessings giveaway. Last year, the twelve of us authors joined together for a giveaway that asked only one thing of the entrants. To pay a blessing forward during the Christmas season. It was great fun reading all of the 1200+ comments that were left. A blessing to see how everyone loved the idea and were thinking of ways they could bless others.   This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is RomTwitsChristmasBlessing2022WebsiteBanner.jpgWell, we’re back with another Christmas Blessing Giveaway. Twelve authors (Nancy Naigle, Beth Vogt, Tamera Alexander, Deborah Raney, Colleen Coble, Robin Lee Hatcher, Denise Hunter, Julie Lessman, Cara Putman, Becky Wade, Rachel Hauck, and Katherine Reay) are giving away prizes (an ebook plus one special item) to twelve lucky winners. Again, you don’t have to do anything except promise to pay it forward, blessing someone else this Christmas season. Enter for your chance to win at:’m also offering a giveaway of three new books. Scroll down to enter. And if you click on the image below, you can go to a post with 15 of my books and novellas that I’ve placed on ebook sale through December 15, as my gift to you.Thank you for being on this journey with me. And I’m praying you have much to be thankful for this year.

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