Stars in the Night releases July 1st.
To say I’m excited is an understatement.
To say I’m nervous is another understatement.
To say I am so glad that God is in charge of my career is a relief.
I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again. I know that one reason God has me on this road at this time is that so much is so far beyond my control. Much as I love to be a control freak, I can’t. All I can control really is the way I commit to writing.
I could blog, tweet, facebook, shoutlife, etc., until the cows come home, and it might not make one lick of difference in sales. I can come up with creative contests (details coming next Monday) and still not see a single blip in sales. That’s life.
But God can control who buys the books. He can control whether the person who needs to read it, actually comes across the book. He can control whether the story I write is the right one. He can weave themes together that I don’t even anticipate until I read back through the final draft. He can show things to y’all that I didn’t realize I’d even written.
That’s what makes this so very cool. And scary. And overwhelming. And forces me once again to a point of surrender. A point of accepting that if this is the very last book I write or see in print, it’s okay. I am a daughter of God, and as long as I chase hard after Him and His purposes for my life, that’s all that matters.
Comments 5
Congratulations on your upcoming book, Cara! I look forward to reading it; the story sound quite intriguing. And the cover is beautiful, as well.
So excited for you. I can’t wait to get into this new work of yours. Congratulations on the release date.
God Bless,
T. Warren
I hadn’t realized how close that release date is! I pre-ordered mine and hope it gets here a tad early.
So excited to read it!
Can’t wait for the books to come with the new book in the box. They ship the week of the 1st…
I love this story. Praying for the release and very happy about it!