The Juggling World of Writers

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This week is a classic example of the wonderful, juggling world of writers. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to write, the best descriptor for me is high switching efficiency. In other words, the ability to switch between tasks easily or at least agilely.
For example, a month ago, I decided to put two of my books on sale this month. Call it a welcome to fall sale. The first of the two books, Deadly Exposure goes on sale October 12th on all platforms, but because Amazon doesn’t make it flip-a-switch easy, I changed the price a day ago to make sure it had adjusted on time. Then I’ll have to go in at the end of the sale to switch it back. All the other sites allow you to set on and off dates ahead of time. Super easy. How do I remember? A very old school 3×5 card. Crazy, right?!?
At the same time I’m writing book three in the Secrets to Keep series while thinking about the cover the publisher sent me last night for book two, the Accused. I’m also thinking about rereleasing Secrets to Keep, which is a novella I had in a collection a couple falls ago that was a prelude to the prelude for the Secrets to Keep collection. I’ve been building this world for a while, ya’ll. I created this cover a couple years ago and I still like it. What do y’all think? Should I keep it or try again?
If I like it, it could be up for sale in a week or so. Basically the next time I get stumped on book three, instead of kicking cabinets, I could finish loading this to sell. Then I could package all the prequel novellas together in the spring or next fall into one collection. See, I never have a lack of ideas. I just need time. Maybe a clone, but I’m not sure I’d like my clone. Too much me, you know. 🙂 But I need to get back to writing book three. It had a working title, but I’ve forgotten what it was. Excuse me while I go check the proof for The Accused. That’s right, the Targeted. Oh, I like that. It fits really well. Hmmm. I’ll have to work that in somehow. See? This is how my brain works. Endlessly switching between tasks. And then there’s marketing and the business and all the other details. What’s a writer to do, other then keep her head down and fingers on the keys. Back to writing! But before I leave, I’ve been going through my books and found some double copies of books that I purchased two of. Oops. My excess is your gain. Use the form below to enter to be gifted a book from this overflow. Good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

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