The Moments that Matter

CaraParenting Leave a Comment

THE NEW YOU (1)Life is busy in the best possible way.


But maybe you feel it, too.

It’s flying so fast. We’re already two weeks into June.


How on earth did that happen?

In the race of days, I find it easy to get to the end of the day and wonder where it went. Where did all my good intentions go? You know the ones…the time with God that’s more than a fleeting prayer muttered several times a day. The focused attention with each child just because they are growing so fast. The time to feel creative. The time to fellow focused on my home. The time with my husband. All of these needs and times pull and drag and feel like I’ve disappointed so many.

Sometimes in the clutter of life, I feel like God gets lost.

Not that He’s gone anywhere. But in the busyness and distractions of life and deadlines, the quiet time with Him evaporates. It’s one of those paradoxes. I know that I need Him. Desperately. Like the air I breathe. That without Him, I am and can accomplish nothing. Without Him my words merely take up air or hard drive space. My actions are worthless and improperly motivated. My relationships become a chore rather than a pleasure.

And I hate that.

I want to hold loosely to things, and tightly to God. To step back and inhale the scent of His Presence. To be filled to overflowing with Him. It’s only then that everything else will fall into place.

So this morning, while a friend watches the kids so I can write, I think I’ll start with time in my Bible. And maybe then this frantic feeling will begin to lift.

Because when I focus on Him, He schedules my day. He helps me find and capture the moments that matter. And somehow He makes space for everything that needs to happen and the rest can slip away.

How do you capture the moments that matter?

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