The View from the Pedestal

Carafamily, homeschooling, Parenting, Uncategorized, writing life Leave a Comment

5 more minutes 2Every get the sense everything is teetering around you? Then you glance around and notice it’s because you’re on a pedestal. Not one you sought, not one you wished for, but there you are.

Some days my life feels that way. There’s the Pedestal for Mommy to four. There’s another Pedestal for the Homeschooling Momma. Then there’s professor, attorney, writer…the list literally never ends. Ever.

Hand me my Wonder Woman bracelets now. Better yet, give me my invisible jet so I can get from point A to point B.

Too many days, I spend time doing exactly what’s in this photo…five more minutes…just give me five more minutes. And then those five minutes turn into fifteen, maybe more.

My friend Nicole O’Dell and I were talking the other day about whether we were really Super Moms or if it was a label applied to us. We were on her radio show ParentTalk, and I loved that she admited she was in sweats and I had just finished running. You did not want to see…or smell…me. Trust me on this — I did not look like a Super Mom. But that’s not the point.

The point is to do what God’s called me to do. Right now, that feels an awful lot like chaos. But you know what I’m being reminded of? It’s in the chaos…the utter chaos…of my life that I have to dive into God. I don’t have the strength to do everything on my plate right now. The list can overwhelm me when I focus too far into the future.

So I’m choosing to focus on what has to happen today…maybe tomorrow…but no further. All right, most of the time! I am still me. Maybe I’ll get make-up on. Maybe I might even find clean clothes for my kids to wear…at the same time, the 2 year old may be in his pajamas. He likes them, and I’m okay with that.

That’s the view from here.

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