Warning: Writer starting new book

Carawriting advice 1 Comment

One of the scariest moments for this author is the moment I actually sit down and start writing my next book. This time I’ve done HOURS of thinking, brainstorming, building characters, but the actual writing…it takes time and is scary. Especially when readers have asked where this heroine’s story is. So last night I was brainstorming title ideas with my husband, Colleen Coble, and Rick Acker, when I only have 3500 words written. Gulp!

The face of a writer getting started…There’s a mix of exhilaration and fear. The thought, can I do this again? Or was I done with book 33? Fortunately, I love writing, but there are still times where I get overwhelmed with the blank page. It’s good to remember this and let others know it’s a normal part of creating. 
This photo contains some of the prework I did overlaid on top of the text of chapter 2. The top document with the colored column contains a lot of Susan May Warren’s plotting ideas. I learned soMUCH from her again at ACFW this year. Any time I can take a writing class with her, I do. I always come away with tips and strategies I can apply immediately to my writing. There are lots of ideas that are encapsulated in the documents that are open. And the research files on Scrivener and in TheQuill. With this book I’m trying to spend more organized time thinking about the various plots and how they’ll come together at the beginning. Many of my books have been written from detailed outlines that the publishers required before the writing began. Then I’ve taken more of a pantser turn in my writing style, and it’s made the last couple books very hard to write, so this is me trying to get back to a more organized writing style. Wish me luck!
And here’s the clock that makes sure I’m on time…with my writing.

Finally, I thought you’d like to see a line I wrote a couple nights ago. This was while I was brainstorming the romance thread. I needed to know why the hero and heroine weren’t a forgone conclusion. After all they’ve been friends for awhile. This line helped it all click into focus.

Me thinks it will find its way into the book. It just feels like Caroline, and why she’s holding back her heart. Sometimes risking a friendship for more feels scary, overwhelming and almost foolish. That’s where she is. What do you think? Good line? Or should I leave it in the outline?

Comments 1

  1. I think it’s a good solid line. It opens up areas of controversy–heart vs head; can different goals, different missions, even different beliefs be joined and overcome by love and belief in the goodness and integrity of the other.

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