Weeding and Pruning

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This week I noticed the weeds were starting to get out of control in my flower beds. I’ve always loved gardening. Even a perfectionist can find satisfaction in pulling out weeds and noting progress.

This time as I weeded I could see the parable in it.

God has me in a place where He’s pushing me to go deeper with Him. I keep praying for that desire — one of those prayers He will always answer. But now comes the hard work. I have to force myself to get out of bed when I’m exhausted from a rough night with Rebecca. Make my time with Him a priority. Draw near to Him, so He can draw near to me.

I looked at my flowerbeds. From a distance — even a short one of five feet or so — they are beautiful. There’s a riot of great color coming from petunias and zinnias. My perennials are rich and lush.

But if you get closer…then you see the weeds poking up. The flowers past their prime that need to be dead-headed so fresh flowers can develop. The roses have lots of holes on the leaves from some mite that decided they’re tasty.

So I steal a few minutes and stoop down. I get my fingernails dirty as I pull at the weeds, chop off the flowers. At times the job can get overwhelming. But I love the blast of color — the welcoming nod of the flowers. The flit of the butterflies and bees that like the nectar, So I do the work.

How much more I should do what it takes to go deeper with God. One 5 minute increment at a time, move back my alarm. Each day a new commitment to spend time with Him before I do or read anything else. Turning my thoughts toward Him at each opportunity. Allowing Him to show me the weeds in my own life that need to be pulled and the plants that need to be pruned. All so I can bear fruit that will bring glory to His name.

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