What Should I Write Next? + Giveaway

Carawriting 6 Comments

This week I turned in final grades for my day job — professor at a Big Ten University. I have to say the big exhale I felt as the last one was entered was fantastic. This summer I’ll

do a little research and developing new classes, but I plan to read and write. A lot.

First up on the writing front is a Christmas novella for a collection with my friends Pepper Basham, Janine Rosche, and Teresa Tysinger. Don’t you just love this cover?

I’m excited to write with these gals. There is something so fun that happens when I get to collaborate with friends. And these ladies are so fun! I’m going to have to learn how to write funny. We’re creating a town in the Blue Ridge Mountains and I cannot wait to dig in. In fact today is the day I’m moving past photos of my hero and heroine and into motivations and what will happen (aka plotting). Brainstorm! Hmmm, I’m thinking the Inspired by Fiction ladies should do a collection together at some point!

So here’s a question for you (be sure to leave a comment and use the rafflecopter form to be entered for a giveaway as a thank you):

What do you love to see in a Christmas collection? Do you like reading Christmas books to get you in the mood for the season? Anything you don’t like? It’s always helpful to know what you as a reader love to see or are over in your books.

The other thing I’m excited about is that I’m FINALLY rereleasing my former Love Inspired Suspense novel Trial by Fire. It will release on June 11, and is on preorder special for $2.99 in ebook formats if you buy it before then. It will also be available in paperback.

I just finished rereading/editing it last week. I’d forgotten how much I loved this story and these characters. Here’s more about Trial by Fire:

Her mother’s house was first. Then her brother’s. County prosecutor Tricia Jamison is sure she’s next on the arsonist’s list. But who is after her family? And why does every fire throw her in Noah Brust’s path?
Noah can’t forgive Tricia. Her failure to protect him on the stand the previous year meant his father’s reputation was ruined. Yet every time the firefighter is near her, he’s drawn to her again. The vulnerability she hides under her confident veneer surprises and moves him. Torn between Tricia’s safety and his own bitterness, Noah belatedly remembers the first rule of firefighting: don’t get burned.

Finally I’m trying to decide what novel to write next while I wait on news of my latest proposal. I’m considering writing a WWII romantic suspense novel I plotted years ago that involve the WASP pilots. Or I could write the third book in the series that Trial by Fire is part of. Any thoughts on what you’d like to see? It’s been a while since I’ve written WWII, and I miss it. All my research books are calling out to me. So many options!

I’m eager to see what you love about Christmas stories. And if you have thoughts on whether I should write a WWII or a contemporary, I’d love to know that as well!

Comments 6

  1. Hmmm, that’s a hard choice. Historical romantic suspense sounds fun, though! I hope you eventually get to complete both books.
    The Christmas novella cover looks enchanting! Last year, I bought Mistletoe and Murder at your recommendation and found several new authors to ❤️!

  2. First let me say I love the legal suspense. However, your WWII novels are grand also. With that being said, I vote WWII followed by another Legal suspense. 😁

  3. Your mention of a WASP Pilot story definitely gets my vote for the WWII novel but, please keep your legal thrillers on the near horizon.

    Christmas-locale can be anywhere as long as family, Nativity Scene and, hopefully, a Christmas Eve Service are part of the story.

    Thanks for asking and Congrats, Professor Putman, on the successful school year.

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