What’s your dream for 2024 + Giveaway

CaraDreams Leave a Comment

Just a few days ago we were in Nebraska with my family for a quick Christmas trip that was extended a day thanks to the White Christmas we all wanted. That White Christmas shut down the interstate around us and got us an extra day of game playing and fun with cousins. One of the conversations we had several times is that we know we are blessed. Our family enjoys spending time together, and I know the holidays are not that way for everyone. Our kids are each other’s best friends, which is pretty incredible in many ways and makes the ridiculously long drive worth every minute. Just look at those smiling faces!
We played a lot of games. Hours of games. Below is just one of many rounds of Skyjo. At one point we had three different decks running at the same time in different parts of the house. I love Skyjo, but at the end of three days, I think I’m ready to set it aside for a bit. We also played countless rounds of 10 point pitch, 3 up/3 down, Disney Trivia, JackBox, and Mind the Gap. Add in Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza, and we had a lot of fun activity at the tables. Then there was a couple nights at my sister’s gym — one with over an hour and a half of a volleyball game — I’m surprised my arms weren’t sore, and it was such fun just spending time together and being with each other.
I think it was even sweeter for us this year because last year instead of being blizzarded in with family, my small unit was blizarded away from family. We couldn’t get through to Nebraska because of a storm in Iowa and Missouri. It was bittersweet to spend the time at home because Christmas has most often meant the trip to extended family. That is our tradition and without it, Christmas felt off and odd.Does your family have traditions that might seem strange to others? I know many people think it’s weird that my kids have had maybe three Christmases at their actual home, but that’s the way we liked it. My family is too far away for shorter holidays like Thanksgiving and it’s hard to get back for quick weekends though we try for high school graduations, etc.
Now as I write this we’re in the last miles o our trip home. 600 miles down, and 241 to go. With the car pointed toward home, my thoughts have pivoted toward the next year. Book deadlines. Dreams about what I want to write and propose next. Isn’t that part of the gift of a new year. There’s a brilliance of a blank slate. We get to reimagine what we want to course correct from this year. And at the same time consider what we want to carry forward from this year into the next. There are things I know I need to adjust — but there are other gifts I do want to carry with me. What about you? What do you want to take with you? What’s your dream for 2024? What’s your word for the new year?

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