Where I go for Encouragement

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If you follow me on social media, you know I am often sharing images that hopefully are as encouraging to you as they are to me. In a world that can beat us down, it’s good to know where we go for Biblical encouragement. There’s nothing like diving into Psalms, but sometimes you need a reminder of what you already know. Here are a few of my go-to people to follow for encouragement. I also love their books because they are real, down to earth, and faith-building.

Lysa Terkeurst.

Enough said. If you’ve followed her journey, you know she is real, vulnerable, and goes there.

I so respect that about her. And her books were written for me. The Best Yes really challenged me to think about where I invest my time and whether I leave time for God to intervene. Uninvited hits me right where I am each time I read it. So much truth in that book. And her next book It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way is nailing me. Absolutely nailing me. I could basically underline the entire book in between tears and occasional sobs. So much truth about how Satan can use disappointment to derail us if we let him. And how God can use it to push us closer to Him. So good. I truly encourage you to preorder it so you can dive into its riches in November. These three books are go tos and go back tos for me.

And I love Lysa’s social media feeds for the encouraging posts and graphics. Hence the reason I retweet and post them.

Next up, Holley Gerth.

She reads her own books, so I feel like I know her. She’s a life coach and all around encourager. And she is so vulnerable and transparent in her books, I can’t help be feel like we’re friends. (We aren’t, but I think I’d like to be if we lived in the same town.)

You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream is a book that I’ve been known to give high school graduates. I also did an online bookclub with it several years ago. I’m all about dreaming big with God (hence my equal love of Mark Batterson’s books). And this book breaks it down so well and in devotional sized pieces. Fiercehearted was a book I needed last fall when I felt so weak in ways I never had. In this book, Holley reminded me that being broken and scarred and still moving forward is brave. I’ve needed bravery as we’ve walked into new places this year, so that encouragement filled my cup when I was empty and depleted…and more than a little scared.

I also love her You’re Already Amazing, which is all about learning how God created each of us uniquely so we can step into His individual calling for each of us. As women, I think we often feel like we’ll never be enough, and Holley speaks sweetly to that with the reminder we are exactly who God created us to be. Now we just have to cooperate with Him. Her blog is so encouraging, too.

Then there’s Jennifer Rothschild.

I first met her because her brother was a good friend of mine when we lived in D.C. We survived law school together. I love her heart and the way she attacks life despite what she’d been dealt. Instead of bitterness, there is joy…so much joy. Her perspective is a sweet life changer, and her Bible studies are rich with depth. And her social media feeds reflect that call to joy in the midst of life. Trusting God when life seems unfair. And so much more.

Where do you like to go for encouragement? Is there someone who’s posts just remind you to lift your eyes and seek God? I’d love to know who it is.


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