It’s almost January 1st and that means it’s time to think about our words for 2014.
I’d love to hear what you’re thinking and praying your word might be.
Right now, I’m praying about whether my word is grace — or if that is too easy in a sense. Grace is in the title of my book, but Grace is such a difficult concept to grasp…and to live.
Grace: unmerited favor. It’s not something I can earn. It’s something I accept and extend to myself and others. I want 2014 to be colored with a grace for my kids. I want them to know they are loved for who they are. It doesn’t mean we don’t have to work on character issues and other things, but the idea that they are accepted as they are.
I want to extend grace to myself. To let go of the expectations I have or feel placed on me that aren’t from God. If they aren’t His, I want to discard them.
I want to live a life of grace toward my husband. That he would experience a grace that allows him to be the man God has called him to be.
So what’s your word?
Comments 16
I love the word cloud you created for your 2014 word. I just may have to figure out how to do that.
My word for the upcoming year is “think” — and it’s based on the opening verses in Romans 12 that tell us to not be conformed to this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. And then we are told to not think more highly of ourselves than we ought.
This is my ninth year focusing on one word and I have seen such life change since I’ve embraced the one-word challenge.
Beth, I did it on It was very easy…And I love your word for 2014!
Grace was my word for this year and I have definitely experienced it more times than once. Lately on Facebook I have been seeing the word opportunity so I will make it my word unless God says something else.
Grace is such a good word! Opportunity is another good one. Praying God will bring that to you, Ruthie.
Cara, I love doing the word of the year! I just came home from a week immersed in family visiting, so didn’t get my normal end-of-year alone time to pray about my 2014 focus word. So I plan to spend the rest of this week doing that. In 2013 my phrase was “Run to Jesus” and there were so many times I needed to do that very thing (including 2 medical leaves that were pretty serious). I’m going to share your blog on twitter and hope others get in on the word-of-the-year activity. By the way, my Bible study, “Grin with Grace” will release at the end of 2014 through AMG. Maybe it can be your last look at grace for the year.
Kathy, that sounds great! I’ll have to look for that book at the end of the year. Praying God will show you what this year’s word is supposed to be. That He will give you clarity as you seek Him?
What a great word, Pattie!
My word is JOY. I will choose to have joy in my heart in any and every circumstance that may come my way. God is in control and will always see me through the not so good times and rejoice with me in the good ones.
I love that, Martha! Such a good word…
My word for 2014 is perseverance. I want to finish what I start this year, and allow God to finish what He starts in me as well. Thanks
Great word, Kristen. We can all use perseverance!
My word for 2014 is “creator”. I will transform my life from being a “reactor” to a creator (same letters-different order) and create my first novel while focusing on the Creator of the Universe and deepening my relationship with The Lord.
Daphne, I LOVE that! From a reactor to a creator.
I choose kindness. I am sure this is the right word for me in 2014 because it made me cry and think deep thoughts that I cannot put into words just yet!
I love the word grace. I camped out on that one for many years. Such a beautiful concept, but hard for me to wrap my head around sometimes.
Donna, Kindness is a great word. I can’t wait to hear what God shows you. I feel the same way about grace. There’s so much in that simple word!