Words Touching Hearts

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Cara’s books were new to me, but I was strongly encouraged to read “Delayed Justice” by two different friends who knew that I am an adult survivor of 7 different sexual abuse predators. Their recommendation came with some concern, at first, because of my complex case of PTSD resulting from said childhood abuse as well as domestic violence.  After reading “Delayed Justice”, I read “Imperfect Justice”.  Both of these books ministered to me as a survivor of both childhood sexual abuse and domestic violence.  I did not find either book triggering of PTSD symptoms, but rather found Hope in the words on the pages.  Cara’s research is abundantly clear, and more importantly, these books are anointed as they serve to edify survivors and both books are beautifully written.  Both are must reads for those seeking healing and Hope.  As a survivor, I am grateful for an author who would not only tackle these difficult topics, but who cares enough to get it right.  Thank you Cara and thank you Jesus for giving Cara the burden, the words and the wisdom to write fictional stories with real issues.  Her bravery to publish this is astounding to me, and it is my hope that the message on those pages gets to those that need it.  I am confident that the words on those pages will far outlive any of us, because Cara chose to align herself with a God Who knows our suffering, Who heals and Who NEVER changes.  Thank you for these beautiful, anointed novels!

Amy Watson, Clearwater, Florida.

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