Are you a writer? My #1 tip!

CaraACFW Leave a Comment

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you know that I am a huge proponent of American Christian Fiction Writers. I firmly believe I wouldn’t be the writer I am and published like I am but for ACFW and attending its conference. I’ve also served for years on the operating board and now executive board because I believe so much in the organization that I want to give back to Christian writers and ACFW.

I could wax eloquent about the workshops, editors and agents who attend, or about the ways I’ll serve as a mentor and with first time orientation. It could be all the friends I’ll get to reconnect with. Or celebrating at the awards banquet. All of those are pieces of the conference that make it a highlight of my year. But this year I’m super excited about the keynote speaker, the radiant Robin Jones Gunn.

In addition to being a prolific writer, Robin is a woman who radiates Jesus — to the extent that when I’m in her presence I long to be more like Him. I LOVE that!

This is what Robin has to say about the upcoming conference: “Are you ready to dream big? I mean, really dare to dream about what might happen if you fully surrender your gift of writing to the Lord? I can’t wait to be with you in September because I know God is going to shake up your heart and ruffle your imagination. I’m already praying that at the conference you will catch a glimpse of what He had in mind when He created you to be a storyteller. See you soon!”

Intrigued? Then check out the conference website. And prepare to join me in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 13-15 for an amazing conference!

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