You know you’re a writer when…+ Giveaways

Carawriting 1 Comment

This week I had to finish editing this book that’s been giving me fits on suspense, so here are four ways lately I’ve known I’m a writer. Do any resonate or catch you by surprise?
    • I walked into class at 7:30 Tuesday morning and said, “I finally figured out how to kill someone!” That statement was met by blank stares and dropped jaws. “In my book.” That was followed by laughter (and some nervous chuckles). I guarantee I’m the first professor who’s told these masters students that!
    • My husband and I slipped away for a very quick overnight trip at the tail end of my spring break, and on the drive home, I spent the first 40 minutes writing down book synopsis paragraphs and details for a three book proposal. All from less than twenty-four hours in a tiny town. Only a writer would create murder and mayhew in a place they visited for that short a time.
    • I have prayed this week for wisdom to know who to kill. See number 1 above. Really. I prayed and asked for wisdom in how to get some suspense into this stupid book that has been fighting me for a month! It’s great. Really. It just wants to be a mystery and I want it to be a suspense. When all else fails, kill someone and see what happens.
    • Everything in life becomes fodder for a story. Everything. Remember how this feels. Describe that color. Take a note on that sound, smell, sunset, etc. You never know when you’ll need that to make something feel real and alive.
Now for a few quick giveaways:
    1. In celebration of the release of my new book Across the Shores, I’m giving away a copy of it here. You can also watch a couple fun YouTube videos related to my novella Love Along the Shores on that post.
    2. Finally, join my coauthors and I for a Facebook release party on March 30 beginning at 7:30. I’ll be at 9 p.m. You the link above to RSVP. And then come here to enter the giveaway.
    3. My birthday is this week and Stars in the Night is free on Kindle. This is still one of my favorite books that I’ve written! Enjoy!

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