You’re Already Amazing

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Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 12.20.53 PMYou’re already amazing.

As women, isn’t that a concept that we really struggle with? I know I do. I’ve spent weeks and months studying to understand who God says I am. To understand my identity in Him and how to use who He created me to help others.

As I’ve worked with women through women’s ministry at my church, speaking at retreats, or engaging with people in day-to-day real life, I know I’m not alone in this struggle. I firmly believe that if we could latch onto the reality of who Jesus created us to be, our lives – and by extension our worlds – would be changed.

That’s why I want to share a new resource with you today: You’re Already Amazing by Holley Gerth. I’m always looking for resources that will lead women to this greater understanding of who they are and who they were created to be. I’m always looking for resources that would work well for individual study or a group environment. This workbook is definitely one! In You’re Already Amazing, women have the opportunity to open a book and feel like they are having coffee with life coach and encourager extraordinaire Holley Gerth. In the workbook she takes the principles from her book of the same name and helps us work through the concepts in an interactive way. It starts with understanding who God created us to be and then moves to what’s true no matter how we feel. Then she helps us look at God’s plan and purposes for our lives before helping us create strategies to thrive for a lifetime.

I love workbooks because they help me slow down and really interact with material. This book is very well organized and each exercise serves a purpose in helping you understand who you were created to be.

I plan to use this as a connect group/study group with the women in our church as well as a separate group for the teen girls. If they could truly internalize whatYou’re Already Amazing is saying at their age, it will lay a great foundation for success in the future. Here’s a short promo video to let you see Holley’s heart. You can watch each of the session videos here or buy them on a DVD to use with a group. You can also read a free preview here.

Comments 2

  1. I think that this would be a very good resource especially for teenage girls. I am high school science educator and it seems that girls would benefit from something that helps them to set the foundation for their future. Especially since a lot of them have a difficult time understanding who God has created them to be and their purpose.

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