Headshots and Deep Thoughts

Carawriting 2 Comments

One of the joys of the writing life is getting headshots. Really. I mean who doesn’t love getting their photo snapped, over and over, and over and over. I really don’t mind, but I was surprised to realize it had been four and a half years since my last headshots were taken. My time flies when you’re stuck at home!

There’s the angst of what to wear. And what if my hair doesn’t cooperate. Does anyone really care what I look like? You aren’t going to choose to read or not read my books based on a photo…right?

What made this go around so fun is that my oldest got headshots at the same time. She’s a junior at Purdue and in a class where the teacher is insisting they need more than a selfie for the LinkedIn profiles. That’s an assignment this mom can get behind.

I also happened to see that one of my friends (her son’s journey was part of the inspiration for Lethal Intent) was taking headshots. That seemed like the perfect confluence. So we met on campus and got some great photos taken. My girl is stunning, and it was a little surreal to see her all dressed up and professional.

There’s also a bit of me that wants to stop time. This is my baby. The one who made me a mother. Now look at her stepping into young adulthood.

I guess I’m feeling nostalgic. We’ve got one more year with her before she graduates and launches into whatever God has next for her.

Our son has committed to Purdue where he has earned a top scholarship. Again, it’s stunning to watch how he’s grown and to see what God is planting in him. With him, we’re weeks from high school graduation, and trying to decide who doesn’t get to go hear him give his valedictorian speech in person. Four tickets. Five immediate family members. Gulp!

Most of all, I’m feeling grateful. We are blessed beyond measure to have such a great group of kids. What are you grateful for this week?

I’m also feeling the need to celebrate with a giveaway of some book babies. Did you know I have a YouTube channel? My 17 year old spent time this week helping me with the branding. Hey, if he wants to tell me how to make it look good, I’m all in. But on this channel, you can find all the Book Talks from this year as well as info on the stories behind the stories. More of those are coming, but it’s a great way to learn more about my books and some of my favorite authors.

Comments 2

  1. Lovely photos!
    I have enjoyed each of your books that I have read; I am always so impressed by how well-developed and engaging your stories are. I have not read Lethal Intent yet, but I looking forward to getting my hands on a copy. 😀
    I hope that you are having a lovely springy day!

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